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Some Workplace Slip-And-Fall Risks May Be Difficult To Detect

On Behalf of | Feb 23, 2022 | Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Being involved in a fall-related incident while on the job can be a stressful and daunting experience. Unfortunately, slip-and-fall accidents continue to prove common in various fields of profession and such incidents run the risk of leaving workers in New Mexico with serious injuries and facing long recovery periods. Knowing how slip-and-fall accidents might occur in the workplace could help reduce the risks of an unfortunate outcome, but some safety hazards might not be immediately apparent.

Studies indicate that there are a variety of scenarios in which slip-and-fall accidents might exist in the workplace and some examples of safety risks that may be difficult to detect could include:

  • Uneven surfaces: Changes in surface elevation can be difficult to detect and even the slightest change could disrupt one’s balance and increase the risks of a fall.
  • Insufficient lighting: Areas with poor lighting can make it more challenging to spot safety risks and fall-related incidents involving similar issues can carry dire ramifications.
  • Inadequate gear: Lack of proper tread on work shoes is just one example of how improper gear could increase the risks of fall hazards in the workplace.
  • Extension cords: Extension cords that remain uncovered and exposed can pose a significant threat to the safety of all nearby workers.

Training on the proper use of equipment such as ladders and work vehicles could also prove integral to staving off fall risks, but such incidents continue to occur at an alarming rate.

Suffering serious or permanent injuries in a slip-and-fall accident at work can be harrowing under any circumstance. Those who encounter similar challenges may experience numerous hardships in life and the toll of medical care and loss of wages could wreak havoc on a person’s financial well-being. After suffering harm during a similar incident, a person in New Mexico could consider speaking with an attorney for guidance on the next steps to take to seek the full amount of compensation achievable.
