As difficult as it is to accept, most people will trip or slip and fall at a point in their life. The sadder fact is the accident may not even be your fault. Although falls do not always result in personal injury, there are times when falling may lead you to endure medical bills, pain and income loss. You should not have to shoulder the burden of your fall, especially if someone else is responsible for keeping the environment safe and hazard-free.
We often hear about slip-and-fall lawsuits and premises liability, but trip-and-falls seem less common. You may be surprised to know that they are different but similar.
The difference between a slip-and-fall and a trip-and-fall
A slip-and-fall is an accident that involves the presence of a foreign substance. The fall happens because a person loses traction on a walking surface. When a walking surface becomes slippery, there is a loss of friction between the foot and the surface. The substance may be water, oil, grease, snow or even ice.
A trip-and-fall is an accident that involves a foreign object instead of a slippery substance. You do not lose traction while walking; rather, there was an inconspicuously hazardous obstruction blocking your path. Your foot faces resistance from the object that causes you to fall. The object could be a misplaced wire, uncovered cables, loose rugs or damaged flooring.
It does not matter what caused the fall
Fortunately, what matters is that the accident occurred on the property of another individual or entity. It is a question of who is responsible for the fall, not what. A manager or property owner can be liable for damages that you sustained due to foreign substances or objects that should not have been there in the first place.