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3 industries at risk of work-related injuries in New Mexico

On Behalf of | Sep 4, 2024 | Workers' Compensation

Everyone is at risk of accidents at their job. Still, some industries experience these events more frequently than others. Knowing if your job has an elevated risk of injuries can help you prevent future accidents. Additionally, it is wise to understand your rights and responsibilities in case of an unexpected injury or disease.

In New Mexico, workers with job-related health issues can file a compensation claim. A favorable resolution comes with benefits. This can reduce stress after the accident and allow workers to focus on their recovery.

Healthcare and social assistant workers

In 2021, healthcare and social assistant workers filed the highest number of compensation claims in New Mexico. Fortunately, this industry experienced a decline in claims the following year. Nevertheless, healthcare workers face significant risks of illnesses and injuries. Individuals who work in clinics, hospitals and other facilities can be exposed to infectious diseases and harmful chemicals.

Transportation workers

Workers in the transportation industry are also at risk of work-related injuries and diseases. These jobs often include repetitive tasks that can strain specific body parts. For example, in 2022, the top three causes of injury claims were lifting, falling or slipping, and strains and injuries.

If your job requires constantly moving or lifting products or materials, you should always follow safety guidelines. Although this does not eliminate the risk of an accident, it can prevent specific workplace injuries.

Construction and extraction workers

Construction and extraction workers are also at risk of experiencing injuries and illnesses at their jobs. From safety violations to unexpected accidents, construction sites contain numerous risks. If you work in this industry, you should be especially careful at your workplace and know what to do in case of an illness or injury.

Regardless of the industry, all workers should be aware of their rights. If you experience an accident at work, you can seek legal counseling to evaluate your options. You may be entitled to compensation and other benefits depending on your situation. However, the first step after an injury should be receiving appropriate medical attention.
