Returning To Work After An Injury
If you’ve been injured on the job, then you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can help you financially until you get back on your feet.
Workers’ compensation benefits are usually temporary, and employers and insurers will be eager to get you back to work as soon as possible. However, this should not happen at the expense of your well-being.
At Garrett Law, our skilled attorneys have years of experience in dealing with workers’ compensation cases. They can help ensure that the decisions you make are in your best interests.
When Should You Return To Work After An Injury?
You should not be forced to return to work by your employer. The key factors in this decision are how you feel and whether you have been given medical clearance by your authorized healthcare provider.
Regular contact with your doctor will help you accurately assess your condition. Once you have recovered to the maximum extent, they will give you an opportunity to return to work, but it may be with additional restrictions. Your employer has an obligation to either accommodate your restrictions, or inform you they cannot do so. If they cannot accommodate your restrictions, you have no obligation to return to work.
In some cases, a return to your previous duties may not be possible. Your doctor may insist that you are only fit to carry out restricted duties. It’s important to keep a record of this and pass it on to your employers so that they can make the necessary adjustments. If you return to work and are being forced to carry out tasks that go against the recommendations of your doctor, then it’s important to contact a workers’ compensation attorney. This is a violation of your rights, and it could jeopardize your safety.
Once you have returned to work, you should notify the New Mexico Workers’ Compensation Administration. One of our workers’ compensation lawyers would be happy to discuss your rights when you have been returned to work. If there are restrictions on your work duties, you may still be entitled to partial benefits.
Contact Us To Protect Your Rights
At Garrett Law, our attorneys have years of experience in handling workers’ compensation cases. They’ll fight to ensure that you receive the benefits you deserve. Call us at 505-633-8837 or reach out to us online to arrange a consultation.